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    Zhanjiang Juxin New Energy Co., Ltd was established in 2006,it is a high-tech enterprise that specialized in the production of Spherical graphite,Carbon Raiser,anode material of the lithium ion battery.     We have around 200 acres of company area and 38000 m2 of modernized factory buildings, and the permanent asset is 80 million Yuan. We can produce 12000 tons of ...

Zhanjiang Juxin New Energy Co.,Ltd
Tel : 86-759-3836663
Fax : 86-759-3996555
Email : xinxu@xinxuny.com
盐津县| 扬州市| 武陟县| 大邑县| 宝山区| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 余姚市| 池州市| 青州市| 古丈县| 富宁县| 孝义市| 丰台区| 成武县| 化隆| 富平县| 文昌市| 石林| 井陉县| 抚宁县| 库车县| 同江市| 和平县| 天镇县| 贵阳市| 西乡县| 乐昌市| 广元市| 阿瓦提县| 海晏县| 桃园县| 蕲春县| 凯里市| 合作市| 梓潼县| 饶平县| 勃利县| 洛浦县| 高青县| 长宁县| 清新县|